OnAlert Technologies

Mobile App

Currently in development, OnAlert is an enterprise-lev­el mobile app, software, and hardware platform devel­oped specif­ically to report, respond to, and re­solve threats to schools, businesses, and government entities

Modern threats of terror­ism and social unrest have in­spired the founders of OnAlert Technolo­gies to devel­op prod­ucts which estab­lish high­er standards of safety for all.

OnAlert is an enterprise-lev­el mobile app devel­oped specif­ically for schools, busi­nesses, and govern­ment entities to reduce the amount of time it takes to report, respond to, and re­solve threats to their as­sociated popu­lations.

Us­ing the most advanced technology avail­able, the app is able to co­or­dinate, then ex­pe­d­ite, complex data to crit­ical responders in flu­id, of­ten dan­ger­ous, envi­ron­ments.

OnAlert’s elite, pro­pri­etary system responds to 14 spe­cif­ic types of threats including gunshots, bombs, suspicious activ­ity, weapons, fights, drugs, and oth­er time-sensitive emergencies.

It’s an honor to work on a project that can help save lives. [+]

Scope of Work

Mobile App Development

Brand Development



Art Direction

Think Positive.


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